Our Services
We provide "FREE" Early Intervention services to children ages birth to six years old
who have been identified as having developmental delays or special needs.
Early Intervention is a family directed program that provides developmental instructions to parents and caregivers. Early Interventionists provide family training sessions each week to your child in their natural environment which could include your home, daycare center, or a familiar place in the community. The Early Interventionist teaches families to work with their child through play, crafts,and everyday routines to assist their child in meeting developmental milestones.
An Early Interventionist also provides Service Coordination to your family. Service Coordination will help connect you and your child to other beneficial services including:
Therapy Services
Speech Therapy
Physical Therapy
Occupational Therapy
Feeding Therapy
Aquatic Therapy
Preschool Services
Autism Services
Behavioral Services
Genetic Testing
Assistance Applying for Government Programs
Social Security
SC Medicaid
ABC vouchers for Childcare
Various waivers including Incontinence Supplies
The first three years are a very important time in every child's life. The way a child learns and develops during this time can make a big difference in the way he or she will do later in school and on into their adult life. If you have any concerns about a child's ability to think, talk, see, hear, play or move, it is important to get some extra help as early as possible. Children who receive Early Intervention are:
More likely to achieve developmental goals sooner
Less likely to need special education services later
Less likely to develop other disabilities
More likely to reduce family stress